We have a lot of catching up to do in this edition of our Latest News from the Farm.
Over the years, we have connected with a variety of food banks, soup kitchens, and personal endeavors to feed the poor. This year, we were thrilled to provide produce to the new McAuley Market at Misericordia University, which provides food and personal items to students, especially those involved in their Women with Children Program. MU students have done so much for us, it felt good to give back and support their endeavor.
Many hands made light work (or at least lighter). Thanks to all who came to help weed and harvest our crops. We had friends from St. Therese, youth groups and confirmation classes from St. John Neumann, Scranton and Blessed Virgin Mary, Hawley, young adults from Juventutem of the Lehigh Valley, and of course, our five seniors from Lake-Lehman Senior High School who did a fabulous job on their senior projects.
Our fiber arts fun continued with much washing of fleeces (thank you friends at the Church of St. Therese for all the Dawn detergent!), Junior Guild meetings through October, and a new woolery set up by our dedicated volunteers from Misericordia University.
Last summer, we commissioned a local artist and friend, Maggie Willis, to paint images of Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin for the farm. She created both in an icon style. Our reveal of the icon of Dorothy went viral on Facebook, reaching over 14,000 people!
Seven years ago this month (April, 2013), we moved into the little cottage on the farm, still without electricity, and started our great adventure we call the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker Farm. Seven is, of course, a biblical number. Our coming here was in response to a very strong prompting of the Holy Spirit, one that told us to “be ready to feed people.” COVID19 has made this year’s crop the most important one we will grow. We are happy to have made the connections in our local community that we have, and continue to strive to do God’s will, our small part to relieve the suffering to come. Let us pray for each other during this tumultuous time.