It's been a busy April on the farm. A wonderful group of students from John Mischler's biology class at King's College spent a day with us building some raised beds. The students were respectful and worked very hard - we are grateful for their service. Our own Our Lady of Victory Parish brought some of the recently confirmed eighth graders to the farm to learn about Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin and to experience farm life a bit. We had a lot of fun spinning wool and learning how yarn is made from scratch. Fr. Daniel Toomey said Mass for us before a delicious lunch provided by Marianacci's Restaurant. Thank you to everyone for a great day!
Carmina's brother Hank spent a few days resting and praying with us as he discerns a monastic vocation. Please keep him in your prayers as he visits several monasteries this spring and summer. God's will be done.
We are looking forward to the annual sheep shearing on Saturday, May 2 at 4:00 P.M. If you are in the area, feel free to come and watch. The little lambs continue to grow, beets are budding in the greenhouse, and garlic is sprouting outside. So grateful for such blessings!